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riley geare’s the trip, vol.1


“The Trip Vol. 1” is the first solo album by Riley Geare (ex-Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s drummer). The record is about travelling. For Riley there’s 3 ways o do it: air, land and water. It all started with the main photograph which shows part of a beach in Pärnu, Estonia (took by me during my trip to the country). The inspiration for this record was based on other albums produced by ECM Records and Blue Note Records, which also inspired Riley’s music. Bold colours and simple typography vs. iconic photographs. That was what we wanted to show. To take ourselves to those brilliant golden years of jazz music, but also to give a contemporary look.
The record was only released online, but there’s a possibility of its physical realese.

You can listen him at spotify & bandcamp.

client: Riley Geare
year: 2018
additional stuff: Riley Geare's the coolest guy w/ the coolest music & coolest drum tones